Is very important to love what we do with this we will be better in what we do.
Everyone want to be successful, to get it is not only about hard working, it is about making the right decisions. Also is important to feel us good about ourself, this only can be if we are humble.

Elder Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin in his speech tough "Little thing are important". Sometimes when we try to get something big as one of our dream we thing in to get it we have to do something complicated to achieve it, according to Elder Wirthlin is important to don't underestimate little thing, because this has de potential to guide us to get great things. The lord have said, “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great” (D&C 64:33). Little things are very important in our relationship with ourselves, in our relationship with others, and in our relationship with God.
Little things in our personal life can change it, could be things like spend few minutes doing exercise playing sport , start a diet, and have an positive attitude.
our relationship with other can improve by smiling to people more often, we can develop patience and longsuffering in our dealing with our fellow man, also we can invite pople to church.
We must pay attention to the small things that will help us to grow and develop in our relationship with God. things like a sinsare pray, reading an versicle from a scripture, or fasting has the potential to be better and have a sotrger relationship to our Heavenly father.
Little thing can change the entire world.