sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014
Little thing are... BIG
Is very important to love what we do with this we will be better in what we do.
Everyone want to be successful, to get it is not only about hard working, it is about making the right decisions. Also is important to feel us good about ourself, this only can be if we are humble.
Elder Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin in his speech tough "Little thing are important". Sometimes when we try to get something big as one of our dream we thing in to get it we have to do something complicated to achieve it, according to Elder Wirthlin is important to don't underestimate little thing, because this has de potential to guide us to get great things. The lord have said, “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great” (D&C 64:33). Little things are very important in our relationship with ourselves, in our relationship with others, and in our relationship with God.
Little things in our personal life can change it, could be things like spend few minutes doing exercise playing sport , start a diet, and have an positive attitude.
our relationship with other can improve by smiling to people more often, we can develop patience and longsuffering in our dealing with our fellow man, also we can invite pople to church.
We must pay attention to the small things that will help us to grow and develop in our relationship with God. things like a sinsare pray, reading an versicle from a scripture, or fasting has the potential to be better and have a sotrger relationship to our Heavenly father.
Little thing can change the entire world.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014
Be an entrepreneur
Be an entrepreneur it's about attitude and work, you need to be time in your life to do the things you want and to be the person you want to be. One important thing is about balance in your life, you need time to enjoy, time to work ,time to rest, to be with you family etc. This balance only be achieved when you have rules and Steve Blank talks about this in his video “The Entrepreneur and the Family” I consider this point like outstanding. I'm going to get marriage on 25th October and now I will be a Head of Household, a student and a worker I really need time to accomplish all the tasks I'm going to have.
And we are going to achieve balance all the aspects in our lives when we establish
rules in our home, our work and the school, and in the each area of our life. For example the weekends could be only for the family and the afternoons to do the things about school, when we establish rules you make a difference and you can achieve accomplish your goals.
Wences Casares talks about three lessons about what it means to be an entrepreneur and I just want mention one, and is entrepreneurship is a calling that chooses us and I like the way he explain it because I think entrepreneurship chooses us only if we are prepared to take the responsability. We need to be the person that the entrepreneurship can choose, and ¿How we achieve this?. The answer is easy, but not many people understand it's about WORK, just work you can do you develop the qualities, just working you can achieve your goals.
This week I feel motivated to do all the posible to be a entrepreneur because I can, I have all to be the person I dream to be.
lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014
The choices, the love and more...
¿What is the difference between do it and do it with love?, no matter if you win a million of dollars if you work it's boring or isn't like you want any amount of money is not enough to pay you time in the work. Over time you learn to love the things you do, but is not the same learn to love, to love really, falling in love of your work and all the activities you do it in.
My fianceé studied to be a teacher, and when I met her, I saw how she enjoyed do the homework and prepared herself to the clases, and I learned is not about the money, the importance of do the things is do it with love.
Love is a choice maybe you don't believe it, but I know it and I live it. I take the decision to study in BYU Idaho online because I'm not a child, I'm 26 years old and I'm starting to build my live and this was the best option for me
, My father is a Environmental Engineer and I want to study the same career but BYU Idaho haven't this option, I prayed and though Business Management wasn't my first option I knew in my head and my heart I should to study it. It's the three week and I have learned more than just elements, I have learned about myself about the things I want and the things I have to do to improve myself.
This class makes me feel much better person, and I understand now more fully tha importance to be a man of principles and apply these in my live. I learned the choices are the key of the succes, and each choice you take can change your life.
I hope I could learn more about me, about what expect the institution about me. I have no doubt I took the best decision when I decided study in BYU and this class ratifies my choice.
To finish I want to share a video with you, I hope you enjoy it :)
viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014
President Joseph F. Smith said the importance to be integral in all acts we do. And he shared a experience about his youth and I'm going to resume it, he drives a truck and he thought it was not necessary stop the truck in the mark of "stop", he lived in Kansas and we are talking a many years ago, when President was 14 years old, he never seen before a police in his people so the decision about don't stop in the mark was easier. He started with stop a little bit and soon he didn't pushing the stop pedal but one day a police saw him and President had to drive the truck with the patrol back him until his house. President Joseph teach us that we have learn to follow the rules regardless if someone is watching us or not, and how easy is break a rule slowly. Our integrity is a virtue that have to live with us in oru hearts and all the things we do.
Sister Sheri in her speech "True Blue, Through and Through" said that when exist virtue another qualities can be with us, but if we don't have it any quality will in our lives.
The ethical is a practice that we need live every day in our lives, is the virtue will do about us persons trusted and worthy to any position we have.
Like a profesions we have to follow the advices from people lives a pure ethical and know people around us in the work or any field trust in us, and fail in something is not option to us.
Sister Sheri in her speech "True Blue, Through and Through" said that when exist virtue another qualities can be with us, but if we don't have it any quality will in our lives.
The ethical is a practice that we need live every day in our lives, is the virtue will do about us persons trusted and worthy to any position we have.
Like a profesions we have to follow the advices from people lives a pure ethical and know people around us in the work or any field trust in us, and fail in something is not option to us.
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