sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

"our calling"

What is your calling in life?... The first time I heard this question I thought that was a basic question but then of ponder about it I realized that isn't a simple question because, when I was thinking about the meaning of what a "calling" is, this carried me through another interesting questions like: why I'm here, what is my purpose, I'm good for what? what is my passion in life?, what things I like the most?. All this came when we ponder about our calling in life. when we feel the desire to know which is our calling in life, we have to think about our talents, desires and feelings. some times is difficult to get the answer but when we go further doing the thinks that have a really meaning in life like study a career,develop our talents, or serve God, life will lead us to our "calling", this is what happened with me. Search for your calling, effort for it and get it.

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

Only your best will be enough for God.

      The prophet Gordon B. Hinckley taught "only your best will be enough for God". We are no perfect but, we have the potential to improve every day. Probably we look like ordinary people but we are heavenly father's sons and we have an eternal potential. We can do extraordinary things even when we look like ordinary people.
      President Kimball gave a revelation in which the Lamanites will flourish and we stressed in many important areas, making it mostly makes us responsible for this vision is fulfilled.

      That's why we prepare will be one of the highest priorities we have, to help the people around us, even our cities and even our countries, to hold office in which we might work just based on the values ​​that the church teaches and to lead by word and example
      Because of the readings and videos who talked about the write a journal makes me realized the importance of records not only in class if not in life, which will make impressions can remember I learn things, take a potentially effective registration makes us the things that we develop as we know how to make them that way or act in situations we face.